Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Truth and Method Revisited: On the Very Idea of a Fusion of Horizons in Intense, Asymmetric and Intractable Conflicts

Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Truth and Method Revisited: On the Very Idea of a Fusion of Horizons in Intense, Asymmetric and Intractable Conflicts

by Oliver Ramsbotham – [ Journal of Dialogue Studies Vol 7 ]



This article is the second part of a two-part paper. The first part was my chapter ‘Hans- Georg Gadamer’ published by the Dialogue Society in Dialogue Theories II in 2016. In the 2016 chapter, I showed how Gadamer’s ‘philosophical hermeneutics’ as expounded in his great book, Truth and Method (1960), influenced conflict resolution attempts to overcome cultural clashes and inspired the United Nations millennial ‘dialogue of civilisations’ forty years later.

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