The Buberian Dialogical Man as a Struggler in the Field of Existential Choice

The Buberian Dialogical Man as a Struggler in the Field of Existential Choice

by Dvora Lederman Daniely – [ Journal of Dialogue Studies, Vol 3 No 1 ]



This essay presents the perception of dialogical teaching models as one which is concerned primarily with the cognitive layers of the dialogue, and focuses on the cognitive functions of learning, information processing, interpretation and decision making. This perception is presented in the essay as ignoring the relational dimensions of the dialogue. On the other hand, the essay argues that research attempts to offer non-cognitive dialogical models which focus on the interpersonal aspect, while emphasising relations such as containment and empathy, do not necessarily contribute to the realisation of an educational dialogue and may block the creation of the ‘sphere of the between,’ which is essential to the development of genuine dialogue. The essay suggests referring to the existential approach and argues that the choice of dialogical relation is one that involves a powerful and continuous existential struggle between the ‘I-Thou’ and the ‘I-it’ modes of relation.