Dr Marko Lehti

Dr Marko Lehti
Dr Marko Lehti is a senior research fellow at and a deputy director of Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI) and an academic director of master’s degree programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research (PEACE) both at Tampere University. His research in the field of peace and conflict research particularly focusses on peace mediation and dialogues, crises of liberal peace and liberal order, transformation of identities and the idea of Nordic peace. His latest book are “Contestations of Liberal Order. The West in Crisis?” (Palgrave 2020) that assesses the narratives about the crisis of western liberal order and “The Era of Private Peacemakers. A New Dialogic Approach to Mediation” (Palgrave 2019) that deals the turbulent change of international peacemaking field and the growing role of international NGOs.
Exploring the Potential of Cross-Regional Dialogue Platforms in Protracted Conflict Settings