Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor

Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor
Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor is an Associate Professor in the Sociology of Islam at the Centre for Trust, Peace, and Social Relations, Coventry University, UK. She is Chair (2020-2023) of the Muslims in Britain Research Network (MBRN) and is a Series Editor of the Review of Social and Scientific Study of Religion. Her research emphasises collaborative methodologies that work with and for research participants. As a feminist sociologist of religion, she has a keen interest and appreciation of the power dynamics within knowledge production and the implications of the processes and systems of knowledge on society as a whole. Her portfolio of research aims to hear lesser heard sections in society including British Muslim Communities, religious women, and vulnerable children. Her publications include Muslim Women in Britain: Demystifying the Muslimah(Routledge 2012), Religion or Belief, Discrimination and Equality: Britain in Global Contexts (Bloomsbury 2013), Islamic Education in Britain: New Pluralist Paradigms (Bloomsbury 2015), Digital Methodologies in the Sociology of Religion (Bloomsbury 2015), Islam on Campus: Contested Identities and the Cultures of Higher Education (OUP 2020).
Muslims and Dialogue: The Value of Inter-Convictional Approaches in ‘Coming to Common Terms’