Editorial Introduction – Inter-Religious and Inter-Convictional Dialogue: Overview of a Dialogical Process and Its Products

Editorial Introduction – Inter-Religious and Inter-Convictional Dialogue: Overview of a Dialogical Process and Its Products

by Paul Weller – [ Journal of Dialogue Studies Vol 10 ]



Welcome to this special edition of The Journal of Dialogue Studies on the theme of ‘Inter-Religious and Inter-Convictional Dialogue’. This special edition is a joint initiative of the Dialogue Society (which sponsors the journal) and the Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture (OCRC), based at Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford. It is produced out of a collaboration between the Society and the Centre in relation to a series of seminars on ‘Inter-Religious and Inter-Convictional Dialogue’, an associated colloquium, and a book launch held at Regent’s Park College during the University’s Trinity Term 2022, between 9 May and 13 June inclusive.